Welcome! I’m Annie and I am 4th grade teacher in Chicago, IL.


I am currently in my 16th year of teaching! I have had the joy of teaching in the same school for all fourteen years and all my years have been in 4th grade.  I teach math, language arts, social studies, and religion.  I LOVE teaching about the National Parks and having my students participate in the “Every Kid in a Park” initiative.  I am also a National Geographic Certified Educator. Annnd I also enjoy jamming out to God songs (as I call them) with the students at my school!

2017 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™

In 2017 I had the privilege of serving as the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™.  I created lessons throughout the year, and then traveled down the Iditarod trail via bush plane.  I spend time learning about Alaskan culture, while reporting back to classrooms around the globe about the race.  It was one of the most rewarding opportunities of my teaching career, and I am a big advocate for using the Iditarod as a teaching tool.  Check out IditarodEDU for hundreds of free lessons!

At the finish line in Nome (on St. Patrick’s Day)!

Outside The Classroom

I graduated from the University of Dayton with BA in Middle Childhood Education and I have a masters degree from Loyola University Chicago in Religious Education.  Outside of the classroom I enjoy running marathons, exploring National Parks, hanging out with friends, and spending time with my husband, family, and friends.  I also teach Irish dance and am I’m in a skeeball league with a few other teachers from my school (our team name is Cloudy with a Chance of Skeeballs)!