Place Value, Comparing Numbers, and Rounding Whole Numbers
Are you at the end of your place value unit and looking for a highly engaging review? This resource will get your students up and moving while reviewing multiplying by 1-digit numbers. This activity is great for upper elementary students.
Skills Reviewed:
- Word Form/Number Name
- Expanded Form
- Comparing Whole Numbers
- Ordering Whole Numbers
- Rounding Whole Numbers
- Word Problems with Place Value
What’s Included:
- 6 Review Handouts
- 1 Challenge Handout
- Teacher Instructions
- Folder Covers
- Answer Key
- Color and BW Printing
This is a great review lesson for fractions and should take your students 30-45 minutes, depending on their ability. Students will “visit” six cities during the race: Lord Howe Island, Australia; Paris, France; Urecht, Netherlands; Banff, Canada; London, England; and Torpa, Norway.
In each city, students will complete a series of math problems and a physical task. Once they complete the math problems students will check in with the teacher to check for accuracy. If they are correct, they may complete the task and move onto the next city. After all six cities are complete, students complete The Amazing Math Race by taking two (very careful) laps around the classroom. This activity is set up to review the concepts but to also get the kids moving.
This lesson is best for 4th grade but can be used as an extension activity for 3rd grade and remediation for 5th grade.
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