Easy Parent Gift from Student


One of my favorite things to do with my students each December is to make a Christmas gift for their parents/guardians. Students feel such pride in giving a gift that they made. 

In a normal year we create conversation starter jars for parents, but that involved a few too many materials that would need to be shared, so we had to quickly change our project. However, you can grab that activity for free here! 

We wanted this year’s project to be meaningful and tie into 2020. After much discussion we decided that it would be nice to celebrate the positives of 2020 in a keepsake ornament. Students will fill their ornament with all the “blessings” of 2020.

This is a simple, cost effective, and very meaningful gift for parents. I’ve laid out the instructions below along with a few links to make shopping easy for you. 


Step 1: Use a paint marker to write “2020 Blessings” on the front of the ornament and the students name on the back.

Step 2: Cut the green and red paper into thin strips. Try to have 6-8 per color.

Step 3: Write all the good things or “blessings” you had in 2020 (or any whichever year it is!)

Step 4: Wrap one strip of paper around a pen or pencil.

Step 5: While the paper is still wrapped around the pen, place it inside the top of the ornament and push the paper in. It will expand once it is fully in. Continue this step until all the strips of paper are inside the ornament.

Step 6: Replace the top of the ornament and wrap it up!

This is a great gift idea and can be used year after year! Enjoy!

It is important to note that I teach at a private, Catholic school, where we celebrate Advent and Christmas with our students.

*This post includes affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you purchase using the links.

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